Blue Lotus Flower is revered for its immense benefits on physical and mental health.
- Natural analgesic: ymphaea Caerulea has been found to have pain relieving properties that relieve moderate pain and muscle stress in the body. Its pain relieving effect can be compared to Arnica Creme. In ancient times, The Egyptians used it as a pain reliever to assist various ailments.
Sipping a cup of blue lotus tea after a tiring day has been shown to help ease strained joints or muscles and relax the body.
- Anti-diuretic: The extracts of this flower may help to regulate the urinary system in our body. It checks the fluid balance in the body and avoids frequent urination by decreasing urine volume.
- Anti-diabetic Properties: The world is facing a diabetic endemic right now with millions of people having diabetes. Studies have shown that an alkaloid named nuciferine found in the blue lotus helps to regulate insulin secretion. Along with this, it also lowers the probability of cardiovascular diseases by reducing cholesterol levels in the body. But this plant should not be consumed if the person takes anti-diabetes medication such as insulin or else the blood sugar levels may go down to a dangerous level.
- Ease Gastro Intestinal disorders: Due to busy lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits, gastrointestinal disorders are becoming more common these days. Blue Lotus can help assist those with certain gastrointestinal disorders. The stems of the blue lotus can assist gastric problems such as heartburn, nausea, and stomach issues. It is also useful in providing relief against issues associated with the colon.
- Relieves Menstruation problems: The monthly cycle of menstruation brings along with it painful cramps, heavy blood flow or body ache that are unbearable for some women. Nymphaea Caerulea has been found to give some relief during menstrual cramps due to its pain relieving properties. It also has been shown to promote a regular cycle, normal flow and potentially control symptoms of PMS.
The alkaloids found in flower also improves the fertility levels in both men and women. It also checks the problem of premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction in men and promotes a better sex life.
- Relieves stress: Nymphaea Caerulea has been found to provide relief from different kinds of stress and anxiety. The roots of this plant have been shown to help promote relaxation and give a sense of euphoria. Users have reported that a cup of blue lotus tea makes them less anxious and gives them restful sleep.
Some other benefits of Blue Lotus include:
• Tea made from dried flower or leaves of Nymphaea Caerulea can reduce mucus formation
• The plant is believed to contain Ginseng which acts as an anaesthetic.
• Linoleic acid found in the flower of the plant boosts the immune system.
• Blue lotus flower Tea is believed to kill ringworms in the stomach.
• Anti-inflammatory properties of Blue Lotus relieve swelling.
• Blue lotus is rich in vitamin B which promotes cellular energy production
• Blue lotus Flower also contains Carotene
It should not be used during pregnancy or if you have certain allergies. If you are on other medications, then it should be consumed only after a consultation with your medical professional.
When taken in large doses, it has been found to cause nausea, mild jittery feelings, hot flashes and even hallucinations.
It should never be taken with illegal drugs like cannabis or prescription pills as it may cause severe nausea and disorientation.
Nymphaea Caerulea is a powerhouse of anti-oxidants and other nutrients that have been beneficial for humanity for centuries. It is a botanical treasure revered by different civilizations.
Blue Lotus Tea:
Steep 5g of Tea in 250mL of water for 10 minutes. Squeeze all excess liquid out of the flowers if you can. Add honey or sweetener and enjoy this sacred tea infusion.