Sun Dried Irish Sea Moss is sustainably sourced from the Atlantic Ocean in the Caribbean, harvested fresh off the coast of St Lucia.
Our sea moss is 100% naturally grown and dried in the sun, this is not pool grown sea moss. You might find natural debris such as seashells, sand, sea salt.
It feeds the cells giving you 92 of 102 vitamins and minerals the body naturally contains.
In addition to its functional benefits, Raw Irish Moss is an excellent source of minerals . Seamoss is almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, B-vitamins and vitamin C. Notably absent from a vegetarian diet, sulphur-containing amino acids, such as taurine, are abundant in Irish moss, more so than in any other type of seaweed!
The benefits of Raw Irish Moss are abundant.
* Wash the Irish Moss with water to remove all foreign matter such as sand and dirt. Wash it well and thoroughly for a few minutes in a colander. It is very important.
* Soak the Irish Moss in water overnight. 2 parts of water to 1 part of moss. You can put it in the fridge a few hours later. You can also do this early in the morning and it can be ready to use later in the evening. Some people let it soak for just for a few hours. It's your choice. Ideally, the longer it soaks the more the moss will soak up the water and become thicker .remove the hydrated sea moss from the water, place it in a blender, add spring water. 1 cup of water per dry ounce of sea moss. You can add more water if needed. You can also add key lime juice to improve the flavor.
Blend until the consistency is smooth. If consistency is too thick, add more water. After blending, pour the sea moss into a container then refrigerate.
Gel may last up to 4 weeks when refrigerated and up to 3 months when frozen.
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