ellow Dock Root Powder 1 oz Chemicle Free Organic
Yellow dock is a plant native to Europe and Asia. Also called "curled dock" or "Rumex Crispus," it is cultivated as a vegetable in Europe and grows throughout North America as a common weed.
Yellow dock leaves are harvested in spring and may be used in salads or other dishes though the taste is somewhat sour. The part used medicinally is the bitter root, though the leaves can also have a mild laxative effect. Yellow dock contains chemicals called anthraquinones, which work as stimulant laxatives. Yellow dock also contains other chemicals that might kill parasites, bacteria, and fungus.
Yellow dock is considered to be one of the best herbs for the entire digestive system. The taproot is rich in anthraquinone, which has a laxative action. It contains biochelated iron, which can be readily absorbed. It is helpful for anemia, fatigue, and for folks with PMS or other hormonal imbalance.
Yellow Dock Root Powder
CAUTION: Do not use during pregnancy. Do not take in large does due to the herb’s oxalate content, which is potentially toxic.
The appropriate dose of yellow dock depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions.
Serving Recommendation [1.25 gr] (1 to 4 time per day)
Our information on the use of this herb should never replace the care of a medical doctor. We are not medical professionals and are not claiming to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We are providing information for educational purposes only, based on common and publicly accessible historical information on the herb.