Genital/Oral Herpes Tea
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are very common worldwide. HSV-1 is the main cause of herpes infections on the mouth and lips, including cold sores and fever blisters. It is transmitted through kissing or sharing drinking glasses and utensils. HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes, although HSV-2 is the main cause of genital herpes.
HSV-2 is spread through sexual contact. You may be infected with HSV-1 or HSV-2 but not show any symptoms. Often symptoms are triggered by exposure to the sun, fever, menstruation, emotional stress, a weakened immune system, or an illness. Once you have it, it is likely to come back. However, some people may have one outbreak and then never have another one. In between herpes outbreaks, the virus lies dormant (as if it is hibernating or sleeping) in nerve cells.
It’s normal to feel a certain level of dissociation from your body, especially after first being diagnosed. Your mental health plays a huge role in your body’s ability to ward off outbreaks. It starts by Taking back control of your body and learning as much as you can about (HSV). For the most part, outbreaks are preventable with careful attention to one’s health and wellbeing.
Natural and holistic remedies are incredibly powerful in preventing herpes outbreaks. Knowing how to use preventative measures, what to do in an outbreak, and how to care for yourself overall can significantly decrease their frequency. A herpes outbreak is an immune system response, plain and simple. There are many preventative measures that can be taken to keep the immune system from being aggravated.
Here listed below are herbs that we put into our Tea to help with the fight of Genital / Oral Herpes.
I've Found That when the herbs are cooked together as a decoction, there's a synergy that happens in the cooking process that improves the efficacy of the formula.
INGREDIENTS: Lemon Balm, Olive Leaf, Moringa Leaf, Oregano leaf, Licorice Root, Echinacea, Peppermint, Hibiscus, Orange Peel,Self Heal, Burdock Root
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An antioxidant-rich diet can help reduce oxidative stress and return the body to a state of balance. Vegetables rich in antioxidants include cauliflower, spinach, kale, and tomatoes. They also contain more lysine than arginine, an amino acid ratio that’s important for suppressing herpes.
Omega 3-chain fatty acids as a potentially effective way to help your immune system manage chronic inflammatory conditions, which may exacerbate herpes outbreaks. Salmon, mackerel, flaxseed, and chia seeds are rich in these fatty.
Vitamin C can efficiently speed the healing of herpes outbreaks, especially when combined with antiviral medications. It may also help prolong the time between outbreaks.
Zinc may reduce the number of herpes outbreaks you have while also giving you a longer time between outbreaks. You can increase the zinc in your diet by eating eggs, chickpeas, oats, and beef.
B12, one of eight B vitamins, may boost your immune system to keep the herpes virus at bay, and it also supports healthy cell growth essential for healing during an active outbreak.
Avoid Acidic foods, Avoid foods that contain high levels of arginine whenever you can, as it may trigger herpes and other viral diseases. Almonds, peanuts, spinach, and chocolate are particularly rich in this amino acid. Avoid processed or preservative heavy foods.
Supplements to add to your daily routine:
lysine may help decrease the length of outbreaks and recurrence, which suggests a lysine-rich diet may help. Lysine can be found in many foods, including avocados, quinoa, beans, and some nuts and seeds.
Probiotic supplements containing strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus have shown promise in improving immune function. Wonderful for Digestive Health 85% of your immune system is located in the gut.
This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. Consult your physician before use. This product is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease.