Lucid Dream Tincture 1oz
Dreams are an opportunity for the subconscious to go to work on the troubles and lessons of the day, and integrate them into the deeper mind. They can serve as a form of emotional dextoxification, in which highly reactive elements are broken down or joined with other complexes to be eliminated, rendered inert, or made newly useful.
Blue lotus flower (Nymphaea caerulea) is a psychoactive plant, also known as blue Egyptian lotus, blue water lily, and sacred blue lily. Blue lotus, a flower favored highly in ancient Egypt, is a subtle psychoactive that induces feelings of tranquility and euphoria, and can give waking life the trance-like quality of a dream. It can also make our dreaming life more vivid, and potentiate our ability to lucid dream.
The two main compounds responsible for the flower’s psychoactive and medicinal effects are apomorphine and nuciferine. severe exhaustion and insomnia, and gives the ability to rest because of the feeling of being protected.
Are you severing from exhaustion and insomnia Mugwart “takes you up a level” from your habitual dream state:
If you tend not to remember anything about your dreams, mugwort will help you [re]collect bits & pieces; if you have spotty recall, it will help you construct a more complete narrative thread.
If you have solely visual dreams, mugwort-enhanced dreams might have other senses engaged. Sound, touch, smell, and taste tend to emerge in that order.
If you already have good dream recall and rich texture to your dreams, you may begin to become aware of your dream state while dreaming with mugwort.