Eggshell (membrane) Powder is the thin, white membrane that is found between the hard, calcified shell of the egg and the albumin (the egg white). Occasionally, you’ll see this membrane when a raw egg doesn’t crack properly. And you’ve probably also seen it when peeling a hard-boiled egg. Our Eggshell Powder is pure, Sun-dried, hand crushed eggshells Chickens are free of hormones, antibiotics, synthetic & artificial additives. No use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents
Eggshell membrane is primarily composed of type I collagen proteins, numerous glycosaminoglycans such as chondroitin sulfate, and a significant amount of hyaluronic acid. These are all essential compounds your body requires to build, repair, and maintain healthy joints. Research has shown that when eggshell membrane is taken at therapeutic doses, it can provide relief from joint pain in as little as seven days. The components in eggshell membrane reduce inflammatory compounds called cytokines, which trigger events leading to joint pain and destruction.
This has helped me so much with my joint issues. I've been a runner all my life unfortunately you can't out run age. The last 10 years had been very difficult for me until I found out about NEM and a few other herbal powders that changed mine and my husbands life. I was diagnosed with arthritis in both feet and knees and lower back with loss of cartilage. Just resently I had a torn Meniscus. My husband was having problems with his elbows and lower back. We spent our lives in the gym (GYM RATS) pushing heavy weights and hit training you name it. We went from super fit to excepting our diagnosis as well as weight gain. The heavier I got the worse my pain got. We had to do something nothing was working for us. I searched High and low for all natural remedies all over. We were determined and focused on rebuilding what father time had stolen from us. Through trial and error we found herbs, minerals and vitamins that have been working for us. We put them together and made a supplement that changed our lives. We're back in the gym I've loss 70 pounds Hubs loss 20. This Powder was a life saver after my surgery to clean out my knee. It cut the stiffness down in record time.
I also add this to my fur babys food as a food topper for his joint support. He is a very large 90 pound Labradoodle.
They’re packed with vital nutrition – protein, essential amino and fatty acids, vitamins, folate, iron, selenium, and riboflavin, which can all provide an array of health benefits for dogs.
(Makes excellent food/fertilizer for your plants and trees)
This powder is made from the eggs of free-range chickens. They are producing white, brown egg shells. Ingredients: 100% Organic, Cage-Free, Humanely Raised Eggshells from Antibiotic Free Laying Hens
Numerous studies confirm that, when taken at a therapeutic dosage of 500 mg a day, eggshell membrane not only provides relief from the pain and stiffness of arthritic joints and connective tissues, it can prevent the further breakdown of ioint cartilage.
Easy To Administer - Forget about forcing your dog or cat to swallow large tablets or pills! Just mix 1 teaspoon of this eggshell Powder for dogs with 1lb of your pet's food, or as directed by your vet.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Always consult your health care provider before taking any supplements. Pregnant or lactating women, people with existing medical conditions, or people taking medications should consult their health care provider/s before taking any dietary supplement.