Smooth Sumac Berries
We hand harvest the red cones in August when they are bright and full and before heavy rains that can wash out their color and flavor. The Smooth Sumac tree (Rhus glabra) is a native plant found throughout the eastern United States.The edible berries, 5-7 mm in diameter, slightly hairy, are red and sticky, with a single seed, and a very sour taste that results from tannin and gallic acids. Persisting through winter Sumac Berries are deep red colored berries with a sweet aroma and a tart, lemony flavor.
They are high in vitamins A, C, and antioxidants. This plant, in addition to having vitamins, also has plant protein. Therefore, vitamin C and protein in organic sumac break down fats in the abdomen. How it is said to work Sumac does not allow the absorption of fat and burns calories and removes toxins from the body. The presence of lipase is very effective in the breakdown of fats in the digestive tract.
It works by inhibiting pancreatic lipase, which is an enzyme secreted by the pancreas that helps breaks down fats for digestion. When fats are not fully broken down, fewer calories from them get absorbed. Sumac has been shown to improve insulin resistance, lowering blood sugar,and boosting leptin levels (AKA the “satiety hormone” that suppresses your appetite). In addition to eliminating belly fat, it also helps fatty liver.
An infusion of Sumac berries is diuretic, emetic, emmenagogue, purgative and refrigerant. It is used in the treatment of late-onset diabetes, constipated bowel complaints, febrile diseases, dysmenorrhoea (painful or difficult menstruation). The berries have been chewed as a remedy for bed-wetting. An infusion of Sumac blossoms used as an eye wash for sore eyes. The milky latex from the plant is used as a salve on sores.
Some of its benefits are helping to lower blood-sugar and having strong antioxidant properties. It is also believed to be: antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, helps prevent hardening of the arteries, contains gallic acid & tannins, helps dry out sinuses from colds/infection/allergies & aids with digestion (especially helping curb diarrhea).
HOW TO USE: as a fat burner it is better to use Sumac after a meal, not regularly but periodically, so that it does not lose its fat-burning effect. You can use as a tea, tincture or powder by adding to a healthy drink or make the sumac drink BELOW.3 grams per day are safe.
Rinse your sumac in cool water to remove any of the “outdoor elements” that might be clinging to them. Place sumac berries in cool/room temperature water. One large cluster of sumac will flavor a minimum of 2 cups of water.
The more sumac you use, the quicker and more flavorful your sumac-ade will be!The longer it soaks, the stronger the flavor, but with enough berries, an overnight soak will produce a very flavorful result. Strain your Sumac-ade through cheesecloth, coffee filter, or similar fine mesh fabric. Then you can sweeten to taste.