Tribulus terrestris is a small leafy plant. It’s also known as puncture vine, Gokshura, caltrop and goat’s head. This herb is popular among men for its benefits regarding male infertility and sexual prowess. This medicinal herb is a powerful aphrodisiac. It also has diuretic and lithontriptic properties. They are also used by professional bodybuilders or even those who are just striving to build some muscles.
Other medicinal actions of Tribulus terrestris include adaptogenic, detoxicant, liver tonic, and recuperative properties. It also has analgesic and antibacterial qualities while being a natural anabolic.Tribulus may also stimulate androgen receptors in the brain, an action that can help the body respond positively to circulating hormones.
The main medicinal uses for this herb are the following: It may help with these ailments
- Increases libido and sexual performance for both men and women
- Increases endurance (especially if combined with other herbs such as Ginseng and (Rhodiola Rosea).
- Prevents erectile dysfunction, promotes healthy erections
- Increases sperm production
- Increases and restores physical strength
- Promotes muscle development
- Hastens physical recovery
- Regulates testosterone production
- Agitation and irritability
- Andropause and menopause
Recommended dosing widely varies (from 85 to 250 mg per day), depending on the particular situation or condition being addressed. The supplement is not recommended for use by nursing or pregnant women.
People suffering from disease, especially breast and prostate disease, should stay away from this herb. If you are taking beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, Digoxin, diuretics and other medicines for the heart and blood pressure, avoid taking Tribulus terrestris. It also lowers blood sugar, so diabetics should steer clear of this herb.