Turkey Tail Mushroom contains an impressive array of antioxidants, including phenols and flavonoids. It has 35 different phenolic compounds in a sample of turkey tail mushroom extract, along with the flavonoid antioxidants quercetin and baicalein. Phenol and flavonoid antioxidants promote immune system health by reducing inflammation and stimulating the release of protective compounds.
Turkey tail contains a wide variety of phenol and flavonoid antioxidants which help promote your immune system health by reducing inflammation and stimulating the release of protective compounds.PSK and PSP are powerful polysaccharopeptides found in turkey tail mushrooms that may strengthen the health of your immune system.
Turkey tail mushroom may positively impact gut bacterial balance by enhancing the growth of beneficial bacteria while suppressing harmful species.Turkey Tail heals the gut by improving the diversity of gut flora by providing prebiotic support. Turkey Tail is so beneficial for the gut is because of its adequate supply of prebiotics. Unlike probiotics (which are the good bacteria found in high-fiber foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt), prebiotics are what feed that bacteria. In other words, you need prebiotics in order for the probiotics to thrive.
“The mushroom contains perfect prebiotics that assist the microbiome. This means that it can help the growth of the good bacteria in the body, including acidophilus and bifidobacterium, which is even more beneficial for anyone suffering from leaky gut syndrome.”
It contains a variety of powerful antioxidants and other compounds that may help boost your immune system and even help fight certain cancers.
Plus, turkey tail may improve gut bacteria balance, which can positively impact your immunity.